Friday, August 25, 2017

Update 25th August

Lough Key Triathlon takes place on Sunday 3rd September - for anyone who has never done their race before have you ever wondered what to expect? They have a stunning Forest Park setting in heart of the North West of Ireland - 30 mins from Sligo, 1hrs 30 from Galway, 2 hours from Dublin and just over 2 hours from Belfast. They pride themselves on doing something different each year as regards their famous goodie bags and this year is no different - they have just taken delivery of 300 'goodies' and they can guarantee entrants will not be disappointed. Make sure to get your entries in via

A new Digital Skills for Citizens course starts on Monday September 4th in Boyle.
Booking is essential for this five week course which will run from 7pm-9pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre. For more information please contact the Centre on 071 966 3000. This free programme is funded through the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE)
The venue for this course will be the Boyle Family Resource Centre and will be taking place on Thursday September 7th at 9.30am until 5pm. To provide each participant with the necessary skills to give immediate treatment to an adult who has been injured or taken ill suddenly, prior to the arrival of the medical services (Ambulance or Doctor). To provide treatment where no further medical (Doctor) treatment is required. To Preserve Life, Prevent Further Injury and Promote Recovery.  The trainer on the day will be James McLoughlin of Absolute Safety. On successful completion of courses, each participant will receive a Certificate issued by Absolute Safety 

The Marie Keating Foundation mobile unit & nurse will once again visit the Family Resource Centre, Boyle on Tuesday September 12th from 10.30am to 3pm. The Foundation Mobile Information Units are staffed by a specialist nurse and visit community groups, workplaces, organisations and public places to bring cancer information straight into the heart of communities nationwide.

Boyle Library Book Club is eager as always to welcome new members. Meetings are held monthly in the library, at 11am on a Wednesday mid-month. More details can be had from Boyle Library. All are welcome to come along and enjoy the best of books and the liveliest discussion and to present their own suggestions to the group. Book for Sept is “Dear Life” by Alice Munro and there are copies in the library. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 13th September at 11am.

Well it looks like the evenings are drawing in around us, meaning it’s time to think about what to do for the autumn. The best fun to be had however, will be taking part in Boyle Musical Society’s forthcoming production of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ which will be staged from November 23rd to 25th in St. Joseph’s Church, Boyle.
Rehearsals will begin on Monday September 4th in St. Joseph’s Hall at 8pm and a warm welcome is extended to all new, former and existing members to join up for twelve unforgettable weeks of music, singing, drama, dancing, comedy and lots more.

Courtyard Market
The Market takes place every Saturday in the Grounds of King House, Boyle from 10am until 2pm..If you would like to enjoy the best locally grown fresh and organic produce, then a trip to the Courtyard Market should be on your agenda. There is a wide range of seasonal produce, Vegetarian hot meals to eat here or take home as well as organic fruit and vegetables, homemade jams and marmalade, organic free range eggs, fruit juices, sour dough/ spelt bread and all kinds of delicious home bakes are available every week. Alongside the food stalls are a number of crafters selling their handmade wares. So why not come along and have a chat with the stall holders and avail of their ideas. For further information please call Una Bhan on 071 9663 033

Boyle Family Resource CENTRE
Get ready for Spring/Summer by doing a clear-out. There is a clothing bank outside the Boyle Family Resource Centre (Family Life Centre) which accepts old clothes, bed linen, handbags and shoes that are sent for recycling. Your support and donations are very much appreciated as this helps raise funds towards the Centres programmes and community work. No Duvets and Pillows and as they cannot be recycled.

CV & Office Services

Are you looking for a new job? Are you having difficulty putting together your CV? Would you like some help? Then why not call into the Úna Bhán office in the grounds of King House, Boyle, where we will be delighted to give you any help, advice or information we can. A good CV could make all the difference in getting your job application through to the interview stage. We have a template and sheet of helpful tips to guide you through the process. We will also type your CV if you cannot do this yourself. Or you may just want to call in for a chat about your CV. All information will be treated in the strictest of confidence. For more details, contact Úna Bhán Tourism on 071 9663033. We also offer office services such as Photo Copying, Scanning, Laminating, Typing, Faxing, Binding and Printing are carried out at the Una Bhan office in the grounds of  King House, for further information please contact the office on 071 966 3033.

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