Friday, December 7, 2018

Update 7th December

Have you got a little someone who would like to receive a personal letter from the man in red himself this December?  Una Bhan Craft Shop has established a direct line to Santa Claus and has arranged for him to reply to children's letters. Your child can write their letter to Santa and post it in the ‘Special Santa Box’ in the Una Bhan Craft Shop, €5 per child (to cover admin charges - no stamp required!), then leave the rest to us.  Make sure your child includes their full name, address, age and special requests for Christmas and include a mention of any brothers, sisters or special friends so the reply can be really personal. We will make sure that Santa gets to read each letter and write a personal letter back, which will be posted directly to the child. Santa’s Letter Service will run up until Saturday 18th December.

The Annual Collection for the Society of St. Vincent De Paul will take place at all Masses next weekend Saturday and Sunday 15th/16th December 2018.  Thank you for your ongoing support to our local conference, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

The Roscommon Solstice Choir will perform in St. Michael’s Church, Croghan at 8pm on Sunday 16th December … all welcome for what promises to be a very special event. Croghan NS will also perform on the night. Doors open at 7pm starting at 8pm. Bring a cushion for your comfort.

St. Michael’s & St. Patrick’s  N.S. Cootehall ENROLMENT for 2019/2020 school year
St. Michael’s & St. Patrick’s N.S. Cootehall, Boyle enrolment for the 2019/2020 school year will take place from Monday December 3rd to Friday December 14th.  Enrolment Information can be collected from the school office during school hours. For further enquiries and assistance please contact the Principal’s office in the school – phone no. 071-9667264.

The boys at St. Joseph’s B.N.S. are once again this year supporting the local branch of St. Vincent de Paul. They are collecting non-perishable food for Christmas Hampers. The boys realise that many people are not as fortunate as others and Christmas is about the spirit of giving and helping those in need. If you would like to donate food, please drop it in at the school during school hours or give it to one of the boys who will leave it in for you (before Thursday December 20th).

The next meeting of the Curlew Walkers will take place on Friday 28th December, meeting on the Crescent, Boyle at 12 noon with your leader being Zeta Griffin 086 336 1336. This will be a  Flat walk  grade C  to Battle Bridge.. Please confirm times with leader or website prior to each walk

Junior Cert maths grinds available in Boyle area. Contact Michaela 083 872 1327

Sean Heslin and Tom Kearney have developed a virtual monopoly on 1st and 2nd place in the mens' competitions recently and so it was proved again on Sunday the 2nd of December. In this weeks 18 hole competition, they both had 40 points, with Sean just shading it on countback. Paul Connolly came 3rd with 37 points and Patrick Egan had the best gross score. Christmas Bonanza competition taking place on the 16th of December. This is a very social event and is much looked forward to every year - partly because every participant gets a prize! So if you haven't had the joy of walking up to receive a prize in 2018, this might be your last chance (even if it is only a selection box). The overall club AGM was held in the clubhouse on Sunday the 2nd with the  following elected as officers for the management committee for 2019. Chairman ( and men’s' captain) - Seamus Gallagher, Honorary Treasurer - Paul Connolly, Greens' Convenor - Willie Tiernan, Junior Convenor - Brendan Gaffney, House Convenor - Vincent Egan, Childrens Liaison Officer - Jim Mooney. A number of officers of the men’s' and ladies' committees are automatically appointed to the management committee including the outgoing men’s' and ladies’ captains’, Terry Canning and Marie Hanmore-Cawley, the incoming lady captain, Regina McLoughlin and the men’s' and ladies’ competitions secretaries, Lorcan Egan and Mary O'Hara. The following will serve as ordinary management committee members - Patrick Egan, Jonathan Egan, Sean Heslin (also men's president), Liam Mullaney, Gerry O'Hara, Michael Simon, Susan O'Mahoney, Liz Dwyer and Mandy Toolan.

The Market takes place every Saturday in the Grounds of King House, Boyle from 10am until 2pm. If you would like to enjoy the best locally grown fresh and organic produce, then a trip to the Courtyard Market should be on your agenda. There is a wide range of seasonal produce.

Are you looking for a new job? Are you having difficulty putting together your CV? Would you like some help? Then why not call into the Úna Bhán office in the grounds of King House, Boyle, where we will be delighted to give you any help, advice or information we can. A good CV could make all the difference in getting your job application through to the interview stage. We have a template and sheet of helpful tips to guide you through the process. We will also type your CV if you cannot do this yourself. Or you may just want to call in for a chat about your CV. All information will be treated in the strictest of confidence. For more details, contact Úna Bhán Tourism on 071 9663033. We also offer office services such as Photo Copying, Scanning, Laminating, Typing, Faxing, Binding and Printing.

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